Monday, April 20, 2009

808's and Heartbreak

I might be a little late, but as I was trapped in the Dallas/Love airport for 5 hours, I had the opportunity to completely absorb Kanye West's latest album-808's and Heartbreak. Now opinions start flying as soon as you mention Kanye and his musical expressions or musical genius, but this is not a musical review. This is simply an interpretation of Kanye's innovative music.

Regardless of being a fan or not, we are all aware of the darkness that has entered into Kanye's life with the death of his mother. Anyone who has ever lost anybody close to you will agree that it seems that you can never escape the darkness of death. But the darkness gains it's depth when we overlook the pain that someone is facing. This is what Kanye is explaining to us. You see an "808" is the sound used to create the booming base that we can so easily recognize in hip-hop music. An 808 is loud and it's presence can not be overlooked. On the other hand, a heartbreak, in contrast is very private and silent. We can't hear each others heartbreak because of the distraction of the 808 that we hear.

Pain is pain and we all experience it, but pain loses it power when people pay attention. The most powerful thing that I can ever do is say:"I know what that feels like". We can stop being human beings for each other. We have to dig deeper that the surface "I'm fine". No you are not and that is OK that you aren't.

Sacred history is littered with people that are referred to as heroes, but they experienced great heartache and pain. The bible is full of stories of people that dispel the belief that when you do things for God, everything will be great! It is actually filled with people that do everything right and everything falls apart. We have to understand that you cannot control people, places, or things, or most importantly--GOD. The freedom your life needs, begins when we trust no matter what uncertainty life unveils.

Let's look past the 808's of life, and assist each other with the heartbreak. Now this is genius.


1 comment:

  1. Amen Pastor. What an amazing perspective. I was not aware of the power behind Kanye's somg title and the literal implications. Awesome man. Peace and Blessings to you. -Fredricc Brock
